Well Shape Why All The Wells Are Round In Shape Know The Science Behind This

Well Shape Why All The Wells Are Round In Shape Know The Science Behind This

Why Wells Are Round In Shape: There has been a lot of change in our lifestyle since ancient times till now. Today life is very easy, but earlier very complicated methods were used to do things. Earlier people were dependent on rivers for water. After that man started extracting water by digging wells on the basis of his intelligence. We can see these wells even today. You too must have seen a well many times, but did you notice that most of the wells are round in shape! Have you ever tried to know why their shape is always round? Actually, there is a scientific reason behind this too, about which we are going to tell you today in this article.

Wells have been used for water supply for centuries. In the olden times, people in the rural areas used to depend only on the water they got from the well. Even today, there are many such places, where people extract water from the well and use it. However, with time development took place and in most places wells were replaced by taps, boring and tubewells etc.

Round is made for long life

Now the question arises that these wells used to be circular only, whereas water could have remained in square, hexagonal or triangular wells as well? Actually, to prolong the life of the well, their shape was fixed round. Although the well could also be made in the shape of a square, a hexagon or a triangle, but in doing so, its age would not be long.

this is the scientific reason

There is a lot of water in the well, so the more corners there are in it, the more the water pressure will be on those corners, due to which cracks will start appearing in them soon and it will start sinking in less time. Whereas, this problem does not occur in circular wells. In this, due to the roundness of the entire wall, the water pressure remains the same throughout the well. In such a situation, these wells remain intact for centuries.

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